How To Help Kinesthetic Learning Child To Excel

In our first three lessons we’ve looked at how to identify a child’s learning style and strategies for helping Visual and Auditory learners to excel.
If you have not read this series from the start, I recommend you catch up here first:
·         Part 2: Helping Visual Leaners To Excel

·         Part 3: Helping  Auditory Leaner ToExcel

Who is Kinesthetic Learner?
Your child is considered a kinesthetic learner if she gathers information by using her hands.

These kinds of learners tend to understand material better when they can interact with it physically, through touch or movement. Kinesthetic learners have advanced coordination and excellent fine-motor skills. They’re often good at sports or dancing as well.

Kinesthetic learners are physical. You'll know if your child has this strength if she is great at sports or a natural dancer. These learners usually have a strong sense of balance, and they learn best by touching or doing things themselves. For example, this kind of learner tends to use a lot of gestures, or she may count on her fingers or clap along while she is counting.

Kinesthetic learners may have even exhibited some of these characteristics as babies or toddlers by being early crawlers and walkers, or especially physical babies. If so, these strengths have probably stayed with her as she’s grown older.

Indications your child is a kinesthetic learner:

•        Aptitude in sports, dance, or other physical activities

•        Tendency to fidget while in her seat — she may need to move while processing information

•        Frequent use of gestures when speaking or explaining things

•        A love of hands-on activities and play-acting

•        Enjoyment of writing, drawing, or handwriting exercises

•        Early physical development, such as walking, crawling, or sitting early

•        Sharp hand-eye coordination

If you think that your child learns and remembers by touching, try these study strategies to play to her kinesthetic strengths.

1. Make learning physical: Your kinesthetic learner will benefit from using her hands to learn. Encourage her to trace her finger along the words she’s reading. Younger students can benefit from counting on their fingers, while older students might "draw" math problems or spell words in the air in front of them.

2. Encourage full body movement: Kinesthetic learners like to engage with material by using their whole body. Walking while studying works well, accompanied by reciting content or listening to music. If a kinesthetic student paces while she processes information, she's more likely to recall it later. Younger students can use hand motions or dance moves as they recite the alphabet or count.

3. Allow and incorporate fidgeting: Kinesthetic learners need to move. Don’t attempt to control their fidgeting. They'll be able to concentrate more and for longer if they are allowed to stand up and stretch frequently. Build in study breaks that incorporate some movement, even if it's just walking to the kitchen or stretching. Your child will get back to the lesson refreshed and ready.

4. Work on whiteboards or chalkboards: In the classroom, your kinesthetic learner is the type who will benefit from working through math problems or sentences on the chalkboard. Many classrooms are starting to incorporate smart boards that offer the same benefit. At home, you can use a dry erase board or a chalkboard, so your child can learn while standing. Doing physical work will be more stimulating than working at a desk with pen and paper.

5. Build or make models: Your younger kinesthetic learner will benefit from practicing math with an abacus or coins. Older students can use chemical compound models or any learning aid that lets them build and work with their hands. Think blocks, posters, or science exhibits, such as volcanoes or scale models. Your kinesthetic learner will love to create and design physical examples of the things he learns about.

I  hope  you’ve  enjoyed  this  article as much  as  I  loved  writing  it for  you. I hope you’ve also got a torn of value from it too.

I appreciate you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this material. If you liked what you read and these ideas make sense to you, then why not follow the footsteps of my other successful students.

Download the complete guide How to Identify Your Child’s Learning Style in PDF text, which works on desktop computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.

You will also receive two free bonuses, a checklist for identifying learning styles and the top five tips for working parents all designed to help you get up and running with your child or student education.

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Once again, thank you and I wish you nothing less than success!

Best Regards

Coming Up NextSecuring A Better Future For Your Child.
In part five which is also the final part in this series, I present you a guide for securing a better future for your kids.
You will be surprised to see how this guide works and excited with the result when applied.
Continue on to the next lesson here:
·         Part 5: Securing A Better Future For Your Child


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