How To Help Auditory Learning Child To Excel

In the first two lessons I explained how you can identify your child’s learning style and revealed strategies for helping a visual learner to excel.
If you have not read this series from the start, I recommend you catch up here first:
·         Part 1: How To Identify Your Child’s LearningStyle.

·         Part 2: Helping A Visual Leaner To Excel.

Who is Auditory Learner?
Your child is considered an auditory learner if she gathers information with her ears.

These kinds of learners tend to understand material better when they hear it presented out loud. Auditory learners are highly verbal — they love having conversations — and may also have musical aptitude.

Auditory learners are drawn to sound. They may be especially musical and show an aptitude for playing instruments or singing. They are good listeners and often have verbal strengths. They follow oral directions well.

As a baby, did your child perk up when conversations were going on around her? Did she notice the sound of the rain when other children were oblivious to it? Does your child better understand when she reads aloud to herself? If so, then you probably have a child who learns best by listening.

Indications your child is an auditory learner:
•        Aptitude in music, instruments, or vocal ability
•        Tendency to sing along to songs or to create her own songs as she plays
•        Strong verbal ability, especially through repetition of words or phrases she’s heard before
•        Ability to listen well and follow verbal directions
•        A love for talking and discussions
•        Sharp ability to notice sounds that others don't recognize
•        Perking up when she hears music or dialog

If you think that your child learns and remembers by listening, use these study strategies to play to her auditory strengths.

1. Discuss the content: Auditory learners love to talk. They are also strong listeners — they remember information that they’ve heard before. If this is the case with your child, then discuss class material with her. Conversations will help her retain information and work through complex problems.

2. Record course material: While sitting in a lecture and taking notes may work well for your child, recording the lecture and playing it back again later may help her better retain the information. If your kid is too young for lectures, then you can record related material together so that she can play it back anytime.

3. Repeat the content: Encourage your auditory learner to verbalize her thoughts. She should read her textbook or notes out loud. Teach her to read “aloud" (in her head) to herself during tests or in the classroom. Doing this will help her understand the instructions, and having the experience of listening to certain words may trigger a memory of a class lecture.

4. Pay attention to background noise: Your auditory learner notices sounds, and the wrong kind of background noise can be distracting. She may not concentrate as well if her favorite music is playing because it’ll divide her attention.

Some kinds of music, however, may actually enhance learning for her. Try classical or instrumental tracks (without words), as these may open her senses or relax her for the task at hand. For some study music recommendations from Noodle staff, read this article.

5. Encourage questions: Since your auditory learner has strong verbal skills, encourage her to ask questions in her classes. Talking and listening are the ways that she often makes sense of information, so getting in the habit of raising her hand — to make a point or ask for clarification — will play to her strengths.

6. Read essays out loud: If your auditory learner is working on an essay, have her read her work out loud. This will help her analyze what she’s writing, and she’ll be able to pay special attention to the flow of her piece. Reading out loud will also help her catch mistakes in her writing.

7. Make a jingle: Music is a powerful tool for auditory learners. If your child is having a difficult time remembering facts for a quiz, have her create a short jingle so she can remember them. She can base it on a familiar tune and sing it a few times at home before the big day.

I  hope  you’ve  enjoyed  this  article as much  as  I  loved  writing  it for  you. I hope you’ve also got a torn of value from it too.

I appreciate you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this material. If you liked what you read and these ideas make sense to you, then why not follow the footsteps of my other successful students.

Download the complete guide How to Identify Your Child’s Learning Style in PDF text, which works on desktop computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.

You will also receive two free bonuses, a checklist for identifying learning styles and the top five tips for working parents all designed to help you get up and running with your child or student education.

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Once again, thank you and I wish you nothing less than success!

Best Regards

Coming Up Next: How To Help A Child With Kinesthetic Learning Style To Excel
In part four of this series I present you with five different strategies for helping a child with a kinesthetic learning style.
You will be surprised to see how this strategy works and excited by what that means for improving performance.
Continue on to the next lesson here:
·         Part 4: How To Help A Kinesthetic LearnerTo Excel


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