What is an Academic Curriculum?

Every school follows a different curriculum but in general, a curriculum is the path of learning that students are typically required to follow. 

This path of learning can be outlined by school officials or by government officials.

It usually includes comprehension of core subjects such as reading, writing, mathematics, and sciences. Upon successfully completing an educational curriculum, students generally receive some type of diploma, degree, or certificate.

Generally speaking, curriculum takes many different forms. This is why most teachers spend a lot of time thinking about, studying, discussing, and analyzing curriculum, and the reason why many educators have acquired a specialist’s expertise in curriculum development—i.e., they’ve learned how to structure, organize, and deliver lessons in ways that facilitate or accelerate student learning.

To noneducators, some curriculum materials may seem simple or straightforward but they may reflect a deep and sophisticated understanding of an academic discipline and of the most effective strategies for learning acquisition and classroom management.

How curriculums are developed
In many cases, teachers develop their own curricula, often refining and improving them over years, although it is also common for teachers to adapt lessons and syllabi created by other teachers, use curriculum templates and guides to structure their lessons and courses, or purchase prepackaged curricula from individuals and companies. In some cases, schools purchase comprehensive, multigrade curriculum packages—often in a particular subject area that teachers are required to use or follow.

A curriculum may also encompass a school’s academic requirements for graduation, such as the courses students have to take and pass, the number of credits students must complete, and other requirements, such as completing a certain number of community service hours.

From the point of view of education, curriculum development may be referred to the stakeholders that would make up a successful outcome for an educational endeavor. Say for instance in a college, the stakeholders would involve the people within the school. 

These are the administrators, teachers, students, staff, and directors. Yet, it also composed of people outside the school. These are the parents, the community, the society in general, as well as the people who have contributions to the growth and development of the said institution.

This is the reason why there is such a thing as curriculum planning and development.

The importance of curriculum development
It is important to note that, in developing a curriculum all stakeholders must have their own share towards the success of the endeavor. Say for instance if the core of the curriculum is bringing forth positive values amongst the students. This means that the teachers and administrators have to make lessons that could lead to this goal. School activities and even small classroom activities should also lead to such.

The community also has to get involved in this. They have to make sure that even outside the school; these students will learn the right values that have to be learned.

Now, for parents, it is important for them to play a major role towards the success of this curriculum as they are the primary molders of the values of these kids.

So you see, this is how a curriculum works. It involves not only one, but everybody who should work for the benefit of those who are involved in it. Though the curriculum is mainly devoted towards the students, it does not necessarily mean that they are in the middle. 

After all, whatever it is that they have learned from the curriculum will still be brought out to the community where they belong. This is, in short, a cycle. So it is important for everyone to get involved in the development of the curriculum.

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