Does your child struggles with Homework? (Part 2)

In our last article, we learned why it is difficult for most kids today to complete homework’s, the struggles and why parents don’t need to be as involved as they think they might.

If you haven’t yet read this, I suggest you start from here:

In this post, however, we want to continue looking at the tactics to use in solving homework’s struggles. 

Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions in the bottom space provided below and let us know what you think.

Step 4: Keep calm and carry on
Homework meltdowns are nature’s way of saying a child is overwhelmed by the task,
If your child begins to bursts into tears, this may mean that he/she needs a hug.

However, if he’s paper-crumpling mad, let him blow off steam. Say, “I see you’re upset.” Then listen to him rant, without reacting. “Until he feels he’s been heard, you can’t convince him to see your side.

What if you’re the one melting down and you feel your BP is rising? Walk away, splash water on your face, or do whatever helps soothe you. Then say, “I’m sorry I got angry. I think we both need a break.” Set a timer for 10 minutes, and let your child read or play. When the time is up, say, “Okay, let’s talk about how we can figure this out, and if we can’t we’ll write a note to your teacher.” 

The good thing about homework is that there’s always tomorrow (and the next day, and the next) to do better.

Step 5: Know When to Get Your Child Extra Help

If your kid is truly stuck on a homework assignment, don't make the common mistake of trying to reteach the information (NB: advice for both parents and home tutors). 

Your goal is not to become your child's study buddy. Plus, your approach might be too different from the teacher's.

Imagine being a kid learning long division for the first time. You don't understand what your teacher is saying, and your parents teach you another method. When you get back to school, you're bound to be even more confused.

Instead, send an e-mail or note to the teacher asking her to please explain the material to your child again. If your child is a fourth-grader or older, have him write the note or talk to the teacher. It's important that he learned how to speak up for himself.

Step 6: Consider hiring a home tutor

If you are a working parent who always finds yourself busy, I suggest you consider hiring the services of a private home tutor. Better still, see if you can find someone else who can help you out.

Contact the school, tutoring groups, after-school programs, churches, and even libraries. You can also talk to an older student, neighbor, relatives, and friends.

Hope you’ve had a ton of value from this post. More importantly, I hope you’ve learned something about how to tackle homework struggles.

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